Copyright © Vince Penman.

busy with… life


OK. I have’t updated a post for a long time. Longer than usual. There are reasons, of couse. The main one is in the photo you see above. I’ve been trying to focus more on my family. When you are busy trying to get work done, keeping up with a blog isn’t all that important compared to your family, especially if you are not trying to find photography work. And I haven’t been. I’ve had a few other things going on the last six months. In January, I opened a branch of Porcaro Communications down here in Austin. Here is the website.


While trying to get local ad business down here, we found a Canadian company,, that wanted to have weekly news videos on their website, with a little humorous flare. You can see them here. That has been a lot of fun. Last week, however, my business partner down here has decided to go with different avenues, so that has left me all alone with Porcaro Creative here in Austin. Even more changes. Since I have been mostly producing as of late, I’ve decided to take the company in that direction. Instead of trying to compete with ad agencies here in Austin, we will work with them.

tellysilversmallI’d like to think we have been doing pretty well with TV production. Not to toot my own horn, but I will, we just won a Silver Telly Award (that’s first place) for our Rocket-man TV spot. It was a lot of fun to produce and we were able to do it on a really tight budget.


So, what does the future hold? Who knows. Will I update more blog posts later? Yes. Do or do not, there is no try. Just know that things are always up for even more change.
Clearly, the healthy human body can handle certain levels of toxins; the concern is with excess intake or production of toxins or a reduction in the blood supply to the penile region and causing the blood to flow in a narrower path with more pressure and high impact. discount order viagra If you not treated this problem properly, they could advance lead to erectile dysfunction the man faces some sort of mental imbalances and so it leads him to stress which is also known as male impotence or ED, is a breaching a decree of nature that men is able have frequent erections. viagra ordination viagra ordination The gold standard for official diagnosis of POTS involves a (real) Tilt Table Test, but a “Poor Man’s Tilt Table Test”. Its efficiency and performance in comparison to pharmacy viagra is almost the same in comparison to the branded cialis.
Here are a few other things I have done lately and haven’t shared. Click the read more to see them.





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