blogIt is sad to see yourself go. No, I’m not talking about an out of body experience. I’m talking about your waistline. When I turned 30, it was as though my body just through in the towel. It said, “OK, I’ve had 30 years of working hard for you and getting nothing in return. Your little metabolism thing that you love so much, kiss it goodbye. Oh and that little organ call a thyroid, say goodbye to that too cause he’s also tired of working.”
OK, so my body doesn’t really speak to me verbally, so there is no need to call a psychiatrist, but it IS pretty good with the non-verbal clues. Like gaining 50 pounds. Although the lack of my “regulating hormone” took its toll, I am partially to blame as well. I sit in front of a computer all day. Mind you agency life is very stressful. But stress has never made me burn calories. In fact quite the opposite. I stress eat. Yeah and we have a Costco-stocked kitchen in our office that is right next to me. I share a wall with the freaking thing. I can get there in 10 steps. Shelves and shelves of glorious carbohydrates and a fridge stocked with just about any kind of soda call my name on a daily basis. And clients like to kiss-up and give us goodies from time to time as well. Not to mention spaghetti-Wednesday and pizza-Friday (yes our boss love us, come on he’s Sicilian).
It has to stop. Now. I’ve tried so many times in the last two years to get my butt in gear and exercise. I’ve done some things like biking to work and trying to change my eating habits. But I usually end up failing. The largest challenge is having a successful photographer as a wife so our time is very limited. Family will always come before exercising. After the kids finally lay down to go to bed, we are both so exhausted all we want to do is, well, nothing. I’ve realized that that is when it has to happen.
So I’ve started a new program. I’ve started off easy. I haven’t limited my food yet, but I have started exercising. I started off with 3 miles a day. Now I am up to 4 and am approaching 5. I think the biggest hurtle will be to get into the habit of exercising. This has to be the norm and then I will get to my bad food habits. Honestly, I think that will get better once we move to Texas, and I am working from home. I can control what is in our kitchen then.
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So here is were the clever title to the post comes in. My Xbox 360. I think the best thing I could have done for exercising is to include my Xbox. I know it sounds strange but listen up. When I was just watching TV, walking seemed to take forever. When I play an intense game though the time flies buy. My heart rate also increases. I walk harder and faster. I burn more calories. How cool is that?
To make matters even better, Microsoft updated the Xbox 360’s software yesterday. You can now stream Netflix movies through your Xbox. I did the update and voila. So what did I watch yesterday when I worked out? Only the classic 80’s low-budget action fantasy, Beastmaster. Yeah I’m a nerd, but like I said a couple of posts back, I don’t care.
Here is my avatar for the new Xbox 360 experience. Yes he looks a little skinnier, but I think my head is proportionally accurate 😉