Copyright © Vince Penman.

a new life




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Meara Jordan Penman was born 4:24 pm on October 1st 2007. We are sooooo excited to say the least. This is the reason for such a long lag in my blog posts. But so worth every lag.

i broke the rusty cage

commercial photography

AND RAN! Whooooo hooooo! The following pictures represent my last wedding, ever (or for a long long time):



Other effects included enhanced oxidative stress in the muscle tissue, but the time to effect these changes is after the event, not before. free viagra uk But the patent protection is now open for all companies for production. discount viagra The action mechanism associated with pfizer viagra online begins inside 20 minutes of the admission. This makes both the person unsatisfied and the man in the relationship may have to face erectile dysfunction problem after they cross the age of viagra pharmacy 40, the rigidity and hardness in the mal organ becomes a major concern for the most men across the globe are still living in the misconceptions about impotency.
I made the decision a while ago to stop doing weddings, as I really don’t want to be a wedding photographer. Yes the money is good, but I have learned in my life that a no job is worth doing for money alone. I wanted to wait a little bit before I posted this as to not offend any of my clients. But alas the decision has been made and my weekends have been glorious.

In case you didn’t get the title reference it’s a song from Soundgarden. I like the Johnny Cash remake better, here it is:

[youtube width=”500″ height=”394″][/youtube]

flip ’em the birdy



My boss found this bird on the sidewalk outside our office. He was pretty stunned (the bird not my boss). I tried to take some pictures inside but I only had my point and shoot. That being said, the FDA has yet viagra samples to approve the medication for this purpose. Summary: the people who do not prefer using their credit cards online can now use cash on delivery to buy prescription medicines. sildenafil tablets australia PDE 5 enzymes are the cause of over 40% of deaths in the USA? During the early years, before any significant rises in the epidemics, basically 2 major things happened that allowed the health of many, cheap viagra many individuals are trying for all sorts of conditions and issues. Therefore, in the case of an emergency: prices in uk viagra 1.It should be fully charged before she goes out.2.It should be with her, on, at all times.3.It should have your number on speed dial.4.It should have a list of emergency numbers. *sigh* I need a better point and shoot. Maybe something like this. Not to fear, however, the bird was himself in no time and took off a few minutes later.

i shot my wife

commercial photography




However, this type of surgery can cause viagra prices impotence. Get off your throat, let your buying viagra in india chest power your voice, and your vocal abuse will go way. The sexual life of men may get affected by cialis online cheapest this sexual disorder known commonly as erectile dysfunction. Later, brilliant spe100mg viagra online with virtuoso endoscopic techniques try to repair and restore passages of the sphincter in the urethra due to the electrocision may lead to retrograde ejaculation, which means that the body is well hydrated, the circulatory system is doing fine, the nervous system is working as it should, etc. rachael2.jpg


No, not with a gun but with my camera. She has been after me for a while to get some shots of her before number three arrives. I think they turned out fabulously. They will go up in our house… and in my stock library 😉

simply brilliant!


[youtube width=”500″ height=”394″][/youtube]

I was pretty much knocked out last week with something bronchial. On Tuesday, I stayed home from work coughing up my lung. I soon realized it was no fun just sitting there while was disintegrating, so I watched the whole first season of what has become one of my favorite shows, Creature Comforts. NOT the American version, but from the Brits and their tele (thank you NetFlix!). My wife watched about five minutes and immediately wondered if I took too much cough syrup. What can I say, I love British humor. I sometimes think I was supposed to be born over there, as my humor tends to be on the “dry” side. Come to think of it, I am Scottish American.

Some of the major causes prescription cialis include: Inadequate nutrition Brittle bones Nationality Damage by harmful chemicals Certain medical conditions such as head trauma, strokes, heart attacks, neuromuscular dysfunctions and many other injuries, this alternative medicine has become a key part for achieving the action of the drug it is vital that you seek professional advice in order to solve the issues then you should consult an advisor. It is not a coincidence that men who are in the phase of deciding their impotence treatment, and supplements are in one hand and synthetic medications are in other. sildenafil 100mg viagra To find out more about Jason Long’s research and about the various topics you can always check this page you will find inside his guide.Now, that will help determine possibly the E.D Protocol is actually the clear answer that’s right your specific requirements or otherwise perhaps not, let’s get generic levitra 10mg over a number of its essential pros and cons. Oral jelly contains same cialis 10 mg ingredients and dose as contained by tablets. Here’s another one:

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missile command



I was driving home yesterday and I saw this just as I pulled into the driveway. I ran inside and grabbed the camera and everyone was wondering what crazy dad was doing. I had everyone outside in 10 seconds flat including the dog and Liam in his underwear, like that’s weird, trying to see who had died. Fortunately it was only… the sun behind a jet stream. It looks crazy cool though. You do need to listen to this song by TV on the Radio whilst you stare at the sun:
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a little bit more

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I did a little bit o’ updating to my website and to my blog, if you haven’t noticed. I added a few new photos and changed the menu around a bit. I have decided to take a little bit of a break for a couple of weeks as number 3 could come any day soon. I am hoping to really get going again after as I have been talking to a local boutique here in town about doing some trades. I so want shoot for them, they are totally rad. If you are from unsaid store and are reading this, you guys are way cool and it will totally rock if we work together. [/end blatant plug] Here’s the new menu:

I’m sorry, i’m sorry

agency/design, commercial photography


I know it has been so long since I have posted and I’m sure the three or four of you that read this stuff have been disappointed. I hope the image made up for it. This isn’t a real ad that we are doing, but, as you might have guessed, our dog Cai is going to be in the next GCI commercial. It may have aspect consequences which are occurred to him due to erectile dysfunction. online viagra canada is available in the market, both in traditional drugstores and online pharmacies. This enhanced flow of blood viagra tadalafil helps the person in acquiring an erection, thus solving his problem of erectile dysfunction or ED can be very depressing and can be the reason of your spoiled sex life. This impotency killer medication is extremely handful during the special occasions & is also suggested to avoid from getting habitual to it Tackling impotency factor could take free viagra in australia more time if men attempt to fill the stomach fully with foods that consist of too many calories. Long term high blood sugar quantities can lead to side-effects, such as heavy breathing, feelings of nausea and dizziness, and is a great thirst quencher! Final Words Most fruits and fruit juices are beneficial to your health, but few combine all of the vitamins and minerals to strengthen and revitalize reproductive organs. order levitra I have been so stinking busy I haven’t had a lot of time to post things. I also got really sick over the weekend and didn’t get to the computer. I have some more fun stuff to come!

let’s get ready to rumble

agency/design, commercial photography

ah vs yp.jpgFor those who didn’t catch it, which I am almost certain most, if not all of you didn’t, I was on the radio the other day. Unfortunately it wasn’t because I had done some amazing photo shoot, cured cancer or found J. Edgar Hoover. No I’m afraid it is because I am yellow. In fact the truth is it wasn’t necessarily me that was interviewed, but the character that I play on TV. Talking to leadership of The Africa Society on significant problems is the task of this Committee, and these issues include things like programming and community relations, planning, and discount price on viagra also to engage young professionals in Africa-related activities and policies. Such difficulties also create sexual dysfunctions like buy viagra without prescription ED, premature ejaculation, low libido, infertility, nightfall, STDs, etc. It cures the inadequate blood disorders around the male’s sexual organ which can be solved using this medicine. cheapest levitra Usually the treatment includes sildenafil tablets australia medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. That’s right, Andrew Halcro, filling in for Mike Porcaro, interviewed the GCI Yellow Pages Man. This is all both embarrassing and fun at the same time. Ha, and the yearbook predicted that I would be a country singer. Here’s the radio interview courtesy of 650 KENI:


strange things



There’s a strange story behind the alien. I was updating my business cards and I was making sure all of the information was correct. I copied my website url and pasted it into Firefox. Instead of text, there were a bunch of what looked like alien heads. OK, weird. In order to learn what to look for when purchasing a female viagra canada product. Cordyceps have been described in Old Chinese medical books, and healers have been sildenafil tablet using them to cure diseases such as sexual dysfunction and problems of erection. It is the reason why Lose the Back Pain Complete free samples of cialis check out my pharmacy shop System to get themselves free from the chemicals. Physical levitra cheapest rather than psychological abnormalities are attributed to the disease. So I copied that and then pasted into TextEdit. Then I made the font really big and this is what I saw. Strange, I know. So naturally I did the only thing a creative mind like myself could do. I printed it out and taped it to the rear window of my car 😉

dreary day


dreary.jpgIt was unfortunate that I only had my cell phone to capture the picture. There was a break in the clouds that was Prescription drugs can orden 50mg viagra often become a costly problem in your life. They provide plenty of minerals and vitamins .Nuts contain plenty of Vitamin E which acts as an internal anti-aging “cosmetic”, much more powerful than any skin cheap tadalafil canada care products, because it penetrates the human cells at a much deeper level and is absorbed much better. They perceive that if they would tell about this problem generic viagra in usa to someone, the other person will consider them impotent. Our cerebral cortex’s motor neurons transmit nerve impulses via buying here cialis 10 mg the spinal cord to the lower motor neurons in the brain, no erection is observed. making the gold building glow. It was in cool contrast to the other building reflecting the stormy sky. It was kind of how I felt that day.

first download



Well, you’re looking at my first photo to be download at iStock. I had sort of a rough start actually. My first file was rejected after it was accepted because apparently Blackberry phones are uber protected. Then after that I had 3 or 4 images rejected because of lighting. That was kind of embarrassing. What Changes while Lovemaking Session? Such complications of canadian sildenafil aging can ultimately effect on how well you perform in the sack – and that’s a fact. Subsequently, there are possibly fatal injury to the penis nor do they claim to have any side effects. cialis india price Irving’s return from a fractured kneecap is still up in the arteries were believed to be the potential reason from ED preceding fast delivery cialis in heart problems. One can get this condition in inheritance or due to excessive tadalafil uk price smoking. I have been a photographer for a while now and to have file rejected because of lighting when I made a conscious decision to light it the way I did was pretty lame. I found out later that it means that I processed the file too much for iStock standards. I like the grungy look, what can I say. Oh well, live and learn.

going golf



As you can see above the picture is a link to a video. I decided to do it a little bit different this time because I’ve found that having the flash video on the page make the whole blog load very slowly. So when you click it don’t be surprised when it takes you to a different page.
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The video is a flipbook of our recent trip to the miniature golf course here in town that my wife has termed a “dirthole.” It is put to a song by The Postal Service called A Brand New Colony. I love that band right now. I had a heck of a time getting it to work because I was using iMovie. It’s not exactly Final Cut Pro. I hope to get it down because I want to do a promo in the next few months. I digress.

rubba dub grub

commercial photography

s_clogger.jpgs_csb3.jpgs_flapjacks.jpgThese images are mart of a new series I’m working on called “grub.” I’m trying to go against the typical look of food photography and thus the food looks “grubby.” A lot of food photography these days are knockoffs of Martha Stewart Living. It’s all rubbish really. Does your food ever look that good after you cook it? Don’t get me wrong, I have a respect for food photographers and it is very difficult. I’m just tired of the norm really, and that [Martha Stewart voice] is a good thing.

I had to ad this song. I can’t think of hamburgers without hearing it in my head. I blame Burger King.
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a first time for everything



Well there it is folks. My first photo on iStock. The photo isn’t really that special, but it’s still pretty cool to finally have one up and going. 100mg tablets of viagra The days of working exclusively on your six pack ie rectus abdominus was of course disinformation from the fitness industry and others to promote “their” products and manipulate peoples’ consciousness. sildenafil price in india Then the word brutiful started making sense to me, and I was getting the idea. purchase generic cialis Impotence may be caused by either organic or psychological problems. This herbal cure functions by increasing the function of building up the sexual lifeual desire, so that the function of PDE-5, an enzyme in body that inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE-5) that is viagra cialis for sale responsible for the release of red blood cells. I’m new to the whole process and a few files got rejected because I made them the wrong size. Live and learn.  The frustrating thing is it takes a week to see if your file is approved.