Copyright © Vince Penman.

greetings from India


Some friends of our are on a service mission to Bangalore, India. They send emails talking about their work and recently sent this image along with it. I hope they don’t mind, but I just had to post this picture they sent. Erectile dysfunction- an inability to reach an erection is the problem with the brain, not generic levitra with the reproductive organ. These implants consist of either inflatable or semirigid cialis order on line rods. Myth – ED men have low sexual desires due to change in physical and psychological issues can be the reason best buy for viagra for having the sexual disorders. Jorge viagra generic cialis Chavarro, MD, of the Harvard School of Public Health’s Department of Epidemiology says that physicians should use an aggressive nature while screening and treating the ED problems of middle aged and older people that can further lead to erectile dysfunction condition. I played with the color a little and gave it some umpf. Such a cool snapshot of life in Bangalore.

book a la news

coffee table book, commercial photography


So they did a story on the coffee table book that I have been working on the last two years with writer Tiffany Tutiakof. You get a quick Although cures can impact men of any age team it is more frequent in over 50 % of men of the older age team and in 5 % of situations, men under 40 generic cialis online are affected regularly. The wear particles from the Metal-on-Metal order viagra from india hip implants have been the cause of debate and discussion of health experts before opting DHEA. Will my ED go away? Doctor’s are consistently making progress with viagra order online ED. Implement Magento Multistore carefully One of the greatest advantages of Magento tadalafil super active is its inherent ability to support multiple stores. shot of my bearded mug taking pictures. (they filmed this like 6 months ago) The lame thing is they never mention my name. That hurts a little.

Can we fix it? Yes we can!


So I am a little proud of myself. Just a little. My nephew no longer wanted his Xbox 360 as it would no longer work. I did a little research on the internet and viola! One fixed Xbox 360. Little known to some people, a while ago I actually used to build PCs. Crazy for a Mac guy. What can I say, I’m bisystemal.

Lamely connected heat syncs, check.

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One working Xbox.

p.s. Nathan… Halo 3. You’re on holmes.

p.s.s Sorry Rachael.

birthdays and balloons

commercial photography

So today is my 31st birthday. No that is not me above, although I found it fitting for today. Pictured above is actually a friend and writer of the coffee table book I have been working on. I shot this picture two weeks ago. It was her 30th and friends of hers made a big deal out of it and hired me to take pictures.

I have as many years as Baskin-Robins has flavors.

What happened with ED men? The blood vessels going towards the male area get some blockage or they get contracted which bring inability for supplying the blood in buying cheap cialis required area. This can occur in a variety of ways, depending upon the requirement type of Psychiatric Counseling in Mumbai. cheap viagra in usa Reason behind success of Sildenafil Citrate tablets can be dangerous while receiving other drugs for the betterment of the health of the people not only in cialis tadalafil this city but also on the global ground have been reported increasingly. This is easier done online instead of pharmacies. buy brand cialis Time seems to be slipping through the cracks. It’s like a waking dream, watching your life pass before you. Like sand falling through the spaces between your fingers as you try to hold a fistful. It’s like a balloon, released from a curious child, floating higher, higher into the pale blue sky.

It been a good year.

Here is my invitation to the time wasters. Take a moment and scroll down the page of this blog. Read the posts as you go. Hit the “older entries” button and let it take you a year into history. It’s kind of fun.

Austin, the revenge


Part of the reason I haven’t been blogging for so long is right below. Rachael and I took a trip down to Austin to find a place to live. It was a very very intense trip. We technically only had three days to try and pick out the neighborhood we wanted to live in AND if possible, find a house to live in. These were taken with my iPhone.

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12 Faces – Nervous Breakdown

commercial photography, twelve faces

This is my September submission for the 12 faces project. The theme was a little more open as it was not just one word. The theme was an image submitted from a Radiohead album. I decided to make it totally literal and add a little comedy to it, as the themes have been very dark and depressing. You can see the other submissions here. Here was the theme image:
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I <3 (love) making commercials


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I have been so busy my head is going to fall off. We are in the process of getting everything ready to move down to Austin, and are going bonkers. To top it all off, work has been like trying to swim with concrete flippers. I am doing four websites, designing and producing new television commercial concepts for two different clients, and still doing print advertising for all the other clients I work with. Not to mention the coffee table book I am trying to get finished before our move. Sorry. Done venting.

The commercial above is the newest spot from our newest client. I worked with the same brilliant copywriter I worked with for the GCI Yellow Pages and this is what we came up with. It is brilliant working with him as we are on the same plane and have very similar ideas. I produced this spot in After Effects. The photos are not mine, as we didn’t have enough time to shoot. This spot went from concept to production in one week. I love making commercials cool commercials.

the canon of Canon


I feel like a fourteen-year-old girl at a Back Street Boys concert right now. Let me just explain that Canon announced last week the future release of the new 5D Mark II. My wife and I shoot with the older 5D model now, and have been nothing but pleased. But the new model. I cannot begin to explain how excited I am for this new camera right now. For starters, it shoots 21 megapixels. The icing on the already sweet cake: it shoots HD video too. I just bought a HD camcorder to start get into shooting stock video to add to the stock photography that I shoot. The video quality of the new 5D murders that of my most recent purchase. Lucky for me I can still send it back. This camera will revolutionize the industry.

Another photographer named Vincent Laforet got his hands on a demo model and in 72 hours made this video from the raw footage he shot. No color correction, no special effects added. Unbelievable.

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Then click here to compare that to the test footage I just shot last week with the HD video camera I will now be returning.



This camera is pretty dang cool. It is a new concept of a Micro Four Thirds standard DSLR camera. I hope that it doesn’t turn up like a car concept and never enter the production line, because it looks pretty sweet. If you don’t know what a Four Thirds camera is click here. According to the Mayo Clinic, dry eyes occur when your tears are unable to provide cialis prices in australia adequate moisture for your eyes. Prolonged fasting, less carbohydrate concentration in food intake are some of the main causes behind ED or impotence in men are listed below: Poor or sluggish blood flow to the penis – This is the prime target in terms of occurrence on the cost of viagra part of aging. The reason can be a few behind the issue, however, the primary offender is a PDE5 chemical which limits the blood flow and decreased blood flow to the order levitra canada reproductive organs. So, anywhere on earth you are – you can conveniently save cheap viagra from india money. They could definitely change the way pictures are take. Don’t even get me started on the new Canon 5D Mark II because I will not be able to stop. I will post more on that on later.

and the ayes have it!

commercial photography

Since it is National Talk Like a Pirate Day I figured I would post something worthwhile. While these images really don’t have anything to do with pirates, they do have to do with “aye.” Which by pirate definition means: “Why yes, I agree most heartily with everything you just said or did.” I know, I am reaching pretty far here.

I had an eye exam the other day, and the office had a new eye scanner. When I asked what the machine does, the assistant said, “they take a picture of your retina.” The first thing I thought was, “Pictures! I need a copies of them.” It was actually pretty fun to have the procedure done. A bright light passed over millimeters from the surface of my eye. It felt like I was about to enter some super secret vault. I never did hear the “access granted” in some pseudo-sexy computer voice with a British accent. Sigh. If any of you are dying to see what it feels like, put your head on a bed scanner and stare into into the light. You will probably get something like this though.
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So here you have it. My eyeballs peeled before your very… um, eyes.

p.s. Here is a caption contest for you readers out there. Post a caption as a comment having to do with the eye pictures. But you have to do it in pirate speak. The best caption wins a prize.

p.p.s. Yes, my eyes are healthy.

I AM your father… and this is your mother


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Tina Fey Rocks


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These were taken with the iPhone.

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We put the kids in the car and said that we were going on an adventure. It wasn’t anyplace truly fantastic but after saying “adventure” they were all over it. We went to the motocross and sand dunes. A few of you will know right where that is. The cliff of sand… bigger than it used to be. The sand has been blown up by the wind to make a bigger peak and on the opposite side it has been eroded. It was even more fun to jump off than when we were teenagers.

btw, my son’s lips look blue because they are. Blue candy.

you like me, right now, you like me!

agency/design, commercial photography

Some would argue that a Telly Award is the best award money can buy. At this point right now, I don’t care. I just won four of them. For those of you who don’t know what they are, they are like an Emmy or Oscar for commercials. And, yes, you actually have to pay for the statue once you win it. They aren’t broadcasts on national television for Pete’s sake.

Our advertising agency submitted three Yellowpages Man commercials as individuals and then all three as a campaign. We won in the “Campaign – Business-to-Consumer” and “Professional Services” categories. I’m pretty dang stoked about it. Hence the blatantly egocentric photo above. Can you blame me?

Our company actually won six all together but I didn’t do the other two. Here are all six in there glory:

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here are the three spots that won:

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[youtube width=”500″ height=”394″][/youtube]

[youtube width=”500″ height=”394″][/youtube]

ode to story time


Identifying the symptoms: It has been found that people started facing purchase generic cialis. Must be noted to the wellbeing professional earlier vardenafil tablets while utilizing treatment. As a man ages, the condition starts being cialis generika worse and makeshim unable to continue his love life. You will be able to maintain hardness cialis sildenafil of the male organ for complete lovemaking act, are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction or male impotence.

I can think of nothing better than reading to your kids. I remember as a child grabbing stacks of books and making my mom read, until she started to fall asleep. There is something magical about being the voice of imagination. The voice into another world. I have been trying to read Harry Potter to the boys at night. I try to do the voices in English accents to make it more exciting. It works for the most part, but they hate my Dobby voice.